Press release from 14.01.2021

Rothaarsteig / Service / Press / Press release from 14.01.2021

Rothaarsteig as a source of strength during the pandemic

2020 brought good visitor numbers and a rapid increase in movement on online channels / Rothaarsteig turns 20 years old

Rothaarsteig. The coronavirus year 2020 has demanded a great deal from people in a wide variety of areas, with everyone going their own personal way during the crisis. One thing quickly became clear: the desire to get outdoors during the pandemic has never been greater. The Rothaarsteig has taken on an even greater significance in the past year and has become a destination for hiking groups and hikers who have drawn strength from the beauty and fascination of nature for everyday life, which is not always easy. This year, one of the most beautiful and established long-distance hiking trails in Germany is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Time to take stock of the past year and look a little into the future.

The Rothaarsteigverein reports an increase in demand in many areas over the past year. When tourist travel combined with overnight stays was possible again from June 2020, hiking enthusiasts increasingly looked around the Rothaarsteig website. The peak months were July and September. Compared to 2019, a total of 67 percent more internet visits were recorded. This was associated with a 39 percent increase in brochure orders. In addition, 41,000 people looked at the route of the entire Rothaarsteig online, which is 34 percent more than in 2019. "And that's not even counting the stages and trails," said Katharina Schwake-Drucks, who is responsible for marketing at the Rothaarsteig Association.

Getting valuable tips on the service phone
The service telephone was also increasingly used. Among others, many newcomers to hiking contacted us with basic questions and needed a tip or two. "Demand was particularly high before and after the weekend, especially when the weather was good or forecast to be so," says Katharina Schwake-Drucks, describing the increased number of telephone inquiries.

There was and still is great interest in the social media channels Instagram and Facebook. The number of subscribers grew on Instagram in particular. There is a lot of interaction between users on both channels, who share their best pictures, experiences and adventures. There are now 22,000 pictures and videos on Instagram under the hashtag #rothaarsteig, and the number is growing every day. "This puts the Rothaarsteig at the top of the 13 Top Trails of Germany," explains Schwake-Drucks.

Much sought-after hiking certificates
The enormous increase in interest in hiking certificates also shows how much fun hikers have had on the Rothaarsteig. These are awarded when the entire Rothaarsteig - regardless of the time period - has been hiked. Visitors can have their passports stamped at various points along the route before sending them in and receiving a hiking certificate and a pin. A total of 140 certificates were issued in 2020, compared to 85 in 2019. Rothaarsteig merchandise was also very popular last year. Hiking maps, pins and stickers were particularly popular.

As a result, there was also more activity out on the trail. What rangers, hosts and employees of the Rothaarsteig Association noticed on the 154-kilometre route was in line with demand in advance. The particularly popular points, such as the "Nose in the Wind" viewing platform at Tiefenrother Höhe or the suspension bridge near Kühhude, were well frequented all year round.

The Rothaarsteig Association would like to say a big thank you to all the quality businesses on the Rothaarsteig who are trying to make the best of the situation despite the pandemic. They have come up with many activities to keep in touch with guests. They have provided insights behind the scenes, renovated and offered hikers food to take away. "This is good and important, but we still need help and prospects for the industry so that we can offer guests a relaxing break on the Rothaarsteig and in the region again this year," says Harald Knoche, branch manager of the Rothaarsteigverein e.V., hoping for support for the businesses from the federal and state governments.

Not only Corona, but also nature has presented the Rothaarsteigverein with new challenges. The enormous drought and the resulting bark beetle problem is also clearly visible on the Rothaarsteig. Parts of the routes have had to be rerouted again and again. Klaus Stötzel, representative of the forest farmers' association and board member of the Rothaarsteigverein e.V., understands that people want to be out and about in the forest, especially in times of coronavirus. "Nevertheless, we also ask for acceptance of the forest farming situation. Help us by following the detour and not walking in closed-off areas," says Stötzel.

Round birthday to be celebrated digitally this year
The Rothaarsteig will be 20 years old on May 6, 2021. This makes it one of the most experienced and established long-distance hiking trails in Germany. As it is difficult to celebrate this milestone birthday properly under coronavirus conditions, there will be digital activities throughout the year. You can look forward to colorful stories, insights behind the scenes as well as tips and hands-on activities.

Info box for the Rothaarsteig:

  • The Rothaarsteig Association's website offers all the information and lots of services:
  • The Rothaarsteig Association's service telephone number: 02974-4994163, currently available from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 3 pm.
  • E-mail:

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