Pieper Holz GmbH

Rothaarsteig / Service / The partners / Pieper Holz GmbH

A longstanding cooperation
The Rothaarsteigverein e. V. and Pieper Holz GmbH

Pieper Holz is PEFC-certified and supports the sustainable, careful and responsible management of the forest.

As a long-standing partner of the company, the Rothaarsteigverein e. V. appreciates the products as oases of peace on its many hiking trails. The unusual forest benches, forest sofas, hammocks and snack islands were specially designed for the Rothaarsteigverein e.V.. This makes it possible to experience the environment in a special way and the body becomes one with nature on the ergonomically shaped forest furniture. The different versions of the Rothaarsteig furniture are originally only available from Pieper Holz.

Bring this sensual experience into your garden! Relaxing at home can be so easy... You can find more information in our current brochure.

Pieper Holz also offers its customers a wide range of products and services, including the following:
- sawn timber
- planed timber
- Outdoor wood products for gardens, parks and landscapes
- Exquisite indoor/outdoor furniture made of oak
- Playground equipment and play facilities for public and private use
- High-quality wood chips, sawdust and bark mulch
- Planning, advice, delivery and installation.

Luftaufnahme Pieper Holz GmbH

Pieper Holz GmbH - About us

As a medium-sized family business, we can successfully look back on over half a century of timber production and trade. Our 220,000 m² company headquarters with a team of 130 employees is located in the middle of the densely wooded Sauerland region. Here we process local softwoods in various production stages, resulting in a diverse product portfolio.

Environmentally friendly production is very important to us. For this reason, we process the renewable raw material wood sustainably and generate part of our electricity requirements ourselves using photovoltaic systems. Last but not least, our drying kilns are also state of the art and enable energy-efficient wood drying.

We offer a comprehensive service thanks to our versatile storage system with a log yard, a wet storage facility and waste wood and sawn timber storage facilities. Our company-owned fleet of long, short, sawn and residual timber trucks enables us to provide reliable removal and delivery, coupled with the use of the shortest possible routes.

The basic idea of sustainability motivates our Pieper Holz team and allows us to work passionately every day on the success of the company and the quality of our products. The renewable raw material wood plays a key role in shaping our modern and sustainable society.

We focus on long-term partnerships with suppliers and customers.
For example, we also support our customers with garden wood and play equipment products from design to production and assembly. This ensures tailor-made production and comprehensive fulfillment of customer wishes.

Pieper Holz GmbH
Im Westfeld 2
59939 Olsberg-Assinghausen
Phone: +49 (0) 2962 / 9711-0
post@pie perholz.de
www.piep erholz.de