Experience nature together

Rothaarsteig / Tour planning / Experience nature together

Zeichnung einer Waldsituation mit Tieren, Wanderer und Radfahrer

To ensure that the Rothaarsteig hiking world is preserved for a long time to come and that a shared, low-conflict experience of nature is possible, we ask you to take the following rules to heart. In doing so, you will be making an active contribution to nature conservation and to the considerate coexistence of all nature users.

1. stay on the paths intended for you

2. behave with foresight and appropriately for the route and the conditions

3. adjust your speed so that you can react at any time

4. make yourself noticed in a friendly manner and in good time

5. let other nature users pass without danger.

6. the forest belongs to someone too! Observe barriers and follow instructions.

7. use the paths responsibly.

8. avoid the forest at dusk.

9. respect and protect animals and plants and behave appropriately.

The rules of conduct when encountering wild species and bison can be found here!

10. take your garbage back with you.

11. only keep dogs on the paths or on a lead (except in dangerous situations).